Cards (31)

  • POLL
    located above and between the ears
  • Forehead
    From the poll down to the level of the eyes.
  • Face
    From the level of the eyes downward to the nostrils.
  • Bridge of nose
    Area of nasal bone.
  • Nostrils
    Two natural openings for breathing.
  • Back
    Behind the withers to the head of the last rib.
  • Loin
    The part of the body lying on each side of the spinal column between the hip bone and last rib.
  • Rump
    Region of sacrum; the highest point formed by the sacral tuber.
  • Hoof
    The outer horny covering of the foot, divided into two parts called claws.
  • Dew claws
    Two horny callosities behind the fetlock joint.
  • Pastern
    The region below fetlock and above coronet.
  • Body
    Comprises the chest, belly, and flank.
  • Hock
    The complex joint formed between the lower thigh and cannon.
  • Stifle
    The first joint below the hips on the hind leg.
  • Dewlap
    Beneath the lower jaw or neck.
  • Muzzle
    Above the upper lip.
  • Tail head
    Where the tail joins the rump.
  • Cannon
    The portion between knee joint and fetlock joint.
  • Coffin
    Bottommost bone in the front and rear legs.
  • Elbow
    Found where its leg meets with the torso.
  • Rear flank
    Located just below the loin.
  • Fore flank
    Located the front portion of the ribs.
  • Fetlock
    Joint above the pastern.
  • Brisket
    Comes from the breast/pectoral area.
  • Sheath
    the tubular fold of skin into which the penis of many mammals is retracted
  • navel
    mark or indentation on a mammal's abdomen that indicates where the umbilical cord linking the fetus and the mother was attached
    • Udder- mammary gland
  • Teats - where milk is drawn
  • Milk well - where the milk vein enters into the abdominal wall.
  • Milk vein - a large vein visible under the skin on the belly of the cow. It passes along the abdominal wall
    A) poll
    B) forehead
    C) face
    D) nose
    E) nostril
    F) muzzle
    G) shoulder vein
    H) dewlap
    I) shoulder
    J) brisket
    K) elbow
    L) fetlock
    M) knee
    N) pastern
    O) coffin
    P) dewclaw
    Q) cannon
    R) foreflank
    S) underline
    T) sheath / navel
    U) last rib
    V) rear flank
    W) hoof
    X) hock
    Y) stiffle
    Z) quarter
    [) tailhead
    \) rump
    ]) loin
    ^) body
    _) back
    `) crops
    a) neck