Philosophical questions around Predestination

Cards (9)

  • Foreknowledge- the idea that God knows the entire future
  • Justification by faith- People get to heaven because of faith, not works
  • Sola fide is Latin for "by faith alone"
  • The Inconsistent triad raises the question as to why God would create beings destined to go to hell
  • Would a loving God be capable of sending people to eternal punishment, and can God still love those in hell
  • John Hick's Replica Theory
    1. A person disappears, an exact replica is in America, it can be believed that this is the same person
    2. A person dies and leaves a corpse, a replica is in America, it can be believed that this is the same person
    3. A person dies and leaves a corpse, a replica is in a new world (heaven), it can be believed that this is the same person
  • Hick holds the idea that we just keep going and living after death
  • If universal predestination to heaven is true, then what was the point in atonement
  • Is God outside space and time, just watching everything that happens without being able to meaningfully interfere