
Cards (61)

  • sugar transport is translocatio
  • water transport is transpiration
  • plants make their own sugar through photosynthesis
  • photosynthesis happens in the leaves
  • photosynthesis happens in the leaves so the plant can make energy
  • translocation is achieved through phloem cells
  • phloem cells are arranged end on end to form phloem tubes
  • phloem cells make phloem tubes
  • inbetween phloem cells are pores
  • the pores inbetween phloem cells enable movement of cell sap
  • pores enable movement of cell sap
  • cell sap is a liquid mix of water and sugar.
  • pores allow the sugars from leaves to be transported long distance through multiple cells
  • once sugar has been transported they can be used directly for energy or stored for later
  • phloem can transport substances up and down the plant in andy direction
  • next to phloem tubes are xylem tubes
  • xylem cells are dead
  • xylem cells have no ends between them forming one long hollow tube
  • xylem cells form one long hollow tube
  • xylem cells have no ends between them
  • xylem tubes are strengthened with lignin
  • xylem transport water and mineral ions from roots up stem to leaves
  • xylem transports water and minerals from roots
  • xylem transports water and mineral ions to leaves
  • the water from roots can be used for photosynthesis
  • translocation evaporates water from leaves of plant
  • the transpiration stream drags water molecules up the plant once some water has been evaporated from the leaf
  • what are the 4 factors that can effect transpiration?

    light intensity / temperature/ air flow/ humidity
  • brighter the light means more photosynthesis
  • more light intensity makes more stomata open up to let in carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis
  • light intensity means more water can evaporate
  • light intesity causes a higher rate of transpiration
  • once it turns night the stomata close meaning there's very little transpiration
  • temperature makes transpiration rate higher because its warmer
  • warmer highers rate of transpiration
  • particles of water gain more energy causing them to evaporate
  • warmer weather highers the rate of transpiraion
  • the inside of a leaf has a higher concentration of water than outside
  • air flow for example windy weather
  • water molecules that leave the leaf are quickly going to be blown away on awindy day