cardiac med surg

Cards (38)

  • Central perfusion
    Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate
  • Peripheral (local) perfusion
    Blood flow to a specific body tissue
  • Atherosclerosis
    • Fatty plaque build up in the arteries causing diminished blood flow
  • Arteriosclerosis
    • Hardening of the artery walls
  • Preload
    Total amount of blood in the ventricles after diastole
  • Too much preload
    Will stretch out the heart muscles
  • Afterload
    Resistances ventricles must overcome to contract against
  • Too much resistance
    Requires a vasodilator
  • Peripheral tissue disorders (arterial)
    • Poor oxygenation to body tissue
    • Tests: treadmill test, CT scan, MRI, angiography
  • Manifestations of peripheral tissue disorders
    • Loss of hair
    • Thin, shiny skin
    • Intermittent claudication
    • Necrosis of the toes
    • Skin and temperature changes
  • Treatment for peripheral arterial disorders
    1. Dangle feet below the heart
    2. Peripheral arterial bypass - graft is inserted to open up blood flow
    3. Monitor site for occlusion
    4. Signs/symptoms of infection
    5. 18-24 hours of rest
    6. Pain report
  • Raynaud's disease
    • Exaggeration of constriction due to cold exposure (only hands and feet)
    • Wear gloves
    • Vasodilators - BP hypotension
  • Buerger's disease
    • Recurrent vasocclusion disorder
    • Tobacco and marijuana use
  • Venous thrombosis
    Formation of a blood clot in a vein
  • superficial vein thrombosis
    formation of thrombus in superficial vein
  • deep vein thrombosis
    most concerning
    can disloge into heart or brain
  • venous thromboembolism
  • venous thromboembolism preventative care
    • fluid intake
    • early ambulation
    • leg elevation
    • compression socks during ambulation
  • venous manifestations
    + pulses
  • venous perfusion disorder
    the problem is getting the blood to move away from the tissue unlike arterial where the problem is getttting blood perfusion TO the tissue
  • venous management
    • avoid prolonged sitting and standing
    • exercise
    • varicose vein treatment
  • heart failure
    left and right sided
    acute decompensated heart failure- life threatening
  • left sided heart failure
    D- Difficulty breathing
    N-nocturnal paroxysmal- awakening from inability to breath
    I-increased HR
    N- nagging cough
    G-gaining weigh
  • right sided heart failure (body)
    weight gain
    enlarged liver and spleen
    large neck vein
    irregular heart beat
    growth of abdomen- ascetics
  • digoxin
    increase contractility= increase cardiac output
  • cardiac myopathy
  • coronary artery disease
    ischemia= lack of oxygen to heart
  • cad management(ABCDEF)
    beta blockers
    cigarrette cessatio
    flu vaccination
  • cardiac rehab
    sexual activity can be resumed 1 week after MI after uncomplicated MI
    avoid erectile dysfunction meds with nitrates= decrease BP and have an MI
    chest pain during is expected
    certain positions= less oxygen
    no sex after a full meal
  • cardiac rehab
    static exercises- should be limited
    increases HR and BP rapidly
    involves straining muscles
  • cardiac rehab
    low impact exercises- walking, jogging, bike riding
    improves circulation
  • pericarditis
    swelling of the thin sac surrounding the heart
    chest pain when laying flat or deep breathing
    pericardial friction rub
    pericardial effusion- fluid in sac
    cardiac tamponade- too much fluid compression of heart
  • bacterial endocarditis
    inflammation of the inner most layer of the heart
    vascular signs- osler node, janeway lesion
    microclots form
  • myocardial interventions
    • 12 lead ekg
    • MONA- morphine, o2, nitroglycerin, aspirin chewable ( increase absorption)
    • iv acces
    • semi fowlers
    • blood studies- troponin, electrolytes, abg, creatine,
  • myocarditis
    • basketball athletes
    • acute or chronic - asymptomatic
    • chest pain, fever, syncope
    • c- reactive protein= inflammation
    • troponin= on chest pain
  • cardiac tamponade
    needle will aspirate fluid in sac
    bp will increase, jvd decrease
    complications- pneumothorax
  • cardiac rehabilitation education
    pt in denial is not a good time to do teaching
    dont want to increase the demand
    3 met is needed for discharge-
    do not shovel snow!!
  • phyiscal exercise
    increase co
    decrease lipids