Bonding: The Structure of Matter

Cards (6)

  • Element: substance that cannot be split into anything simpler, in a chemical reaction. Each element has a unique proton number.
  • Mixture: two or more elements mixed together but not chemically combined
  • Compound: substance in which two or more different elements are chemically combined
  • Metals:
    • Strong
    • Good conductors of heat and electicity
    • High m.p and b.p
    • High Density
    • Form Basic oxides
    • Forms cations in reactions
    • Malleable and ductile
    • Sonorous
    • Some are magnetic
  • Non Metals:
    • Brittle
    • Poor conductors of heat and electricity
    • Low m.p and b.p
    • Low density
    • Forms acidic oxides
    • Forms anions in a reaction
  • Alloy: Mixture of two or more metals or mixture of one or more metal with a non-metal, to improve its properties