average annual profit (tot profit/ no. of years ) / cost of investmentx100
market share
sales made by business / by marketx100
contribution per unit
sellingprice per unit - variablecost per unit
job production
individual and one item at a time as its personalised
highprofit but also require highlyskilled staff
batch production
setquantity of the same product
variety but its costly as its not fully automated
flow production
automated process of making the same product
large quantities but some customers may preferpersonalized products more
what is lead time?
the difference in order and receive
what is buffer stock?
difference in minimum and maximum
quality control
at the end
quality assurance
during production which can be time consuming
sales process
customer interest
speed and efficiency of service
customer engagement
post-sales service
customer loyalty
delocalised and central decision-making
anyone's choice and only the head's choice
how a business gets its raw products so suppliers
co-exist as one
one buys the other business
internal growth
targeting new markets and developing new products
internal sources of finance
retained profit and fixedassets (selling them)
external sources of finance
loan capital and share capital
loan capital
take out loans and pay back in a certain amount of time, if not they can take your assets
Share capital
sellingshares in the business, which don't need to be repaid but you may losecontrol over the business
public limited comapanies
shares can be publically sold to bring in extra finance especially if they're high in demand
+ Have limited liability
_ accounts are made public
taxes imposed on imports and exports
trade blocs
group of countries that have few or notradebarriers between them
product life cycle
research and development
development and introduction
money on promotion and research
growth and maturity
pay back their investments and make a profit
extension strategies
increased marketing
promotion methods
advertise, sponsorships, product trials, branding and special offers
promotional strategies
inform, persuade and remind
price penetration
low prices which rise as the business establishes itself in the market
price skimming
high cost due to high demand this works for established brands
competitive pricing
similarprices to competitors
hierarchical structures
Long chains of command with more layers of management, makes communication difficult and slow, and each manager has a narrow span of control which makes it effective
flat structures
short chain of command meaning messages are passed along very fast, to each manager has a wide span of control which can be difficult