
Cards (610)

  • Above the fold

    Content immediately visible to the user without the need for scrolling
  • Below the fold
    Only becomes visible when the users scrolls down the page
  • A basic principle of web design is that the most important info should appear in the upper part of the page and be visible without the need for scrolling
  • Nomi and Swann in the No Time to Die poster
    • Given agency through their use of weapons
    • Posture connotes confidence with a relaxed attitude toward dangers
    • More than the 'Bond Girls' of the past within the film
  • Media industry
    A collective term for a group of media companies that all conduct in the same area of business
  • Multimodal
    Websites use a combination of modes to convey their meanings, including images, videos, text and sound
  • Representation of women in the No Time to Die poster
    • Independent and not shown as a 'damsel in distress' or 'Proppian princess'
    • Reflects shift in Hollywood to represent women more equally
  • Plenary - what is missing?
  • Media industry
    • Warner Brothers
    • MGM
    • Columbia Pictures
  • Hypermodality
    The extra level of interconnectedness that online products typically possess, with links to other pages or documents
  • Many audiences pick what texts they will see simply based upon the institution who made it
  • Representation of ethnicity in the No Time to Die poster
    • Cast is predominantly white, typical of Hollywood movies and the Bond franchise
    • Lashana Lynch as Nomi is British Jamaican and is represented as skilled and determined
    • Safin, the villain, is played by Rami Malek, an American actor of Egyptian heritage
    • Villain in a parka jacket wearing a Japanese Noh mask, which are often used for ghostly or demonic characters in Japanese theatre
  • Hollywood
    The oldest film industry in the world, originating in the 1890s
  • Website analysis
    1. Conventions of websites
    2. Audience appeal
    3. Colours used
    4. Layout/Design
    5. Language used
    6. Content
    7. Convergence
    8. Representation
    9. Relevant theory
    10. Why are websites important?
    11. How could the website be said to reach a global audience?
  • Representation of age in the No Time to Die poster
    • Use of light on Bond's main image highlights his older age, constructing a representation of wisdom and experience
    • Most of the other characters are represented as youthful, in contrast to Bond, and as a result less experienced and skilled
  • Early motion pictures
    1. Less than a minute long
    2. Due to limitations of technology
    3. Sound was not introduced into films until 1927
  • The use of the search function encourages audience to be more active. This is conventional of most websites as it allows audiences to search for their desired content
  • Possible areas for further investigation include the representation of Ben Whishaw's Q and the representation of stereotypical 'geeks' or LGBQTIA+ characters, as well as the representation of Safin's facial scarring with disfigurement makeup
  • The main navigation (conventional of most websites)- Bold/San Serif fond keeping the website modern, simple making it easy for all audiences to navigate
  • Hollywood
    Considered the 'film factory' of the world
  • Women being represented on the No Time to Die film poster
    • Largely positive representations
    • Women have agency through visual codes of weapons and tactical gear
    • Subverts usual stereotype of sexualised Bond Girls
    • Subverts the Male Gaze (Laura Mulvey)
    • Reflects social movements like #OscarsSoWhite and #BLM
  • The use of the sign up newsletter function encourages a active audience allowing the most passionate fans to keep up to date – Linking to Jenkins Active Participants theory
  • Key industry terms
    • Blockbuster
    • Mainstream film
    • High concept film
    • Large budget
    • Well known cast
    • Large marketing budget
  • Men being represented on the No Time to Die film poster
    • Bond provides an image of masculinity that connotes skill, intelligence, and strength
    • Bond and the villain Safin are the dominant male characters driving the narrative
    • Reflects the male-dominated nature of the Bond franchise
  • Conglomerate
    A holding company that owns numerous smaller companies
  • Above the line: Branding of the website (007 Logo). Theatrical release poster. Very minimal information – encouraging audience to scroll down for more. Multimodal – Film poster, text, images
  • Conglomerate
    • Comcast
  • Subsidiary
    A company owned by a holding company
  • House style – White, Black & Gold which reflects the themes within the latest film – Sense of luxury and the house style may reinforce sophistication. Audiences are also reminded of the tough and masculine stereotype that Bond portrayers. There is also a absence of female characters on the poster – This could convey how the bond franchise has typically focused on the male characters, with women being the 'Damsel in Distress' and add nothing to the narrative (Although the Film conveys a different idea)
  • Below the fold: As users scroll down there are multiple forms of communication including text, images and links.
  • The use of the call to action button prompts users to be taken straight to the latest tailer on iTunes (Hyper modality/Convergence) The images are also clickable making the page more interactive and engaging
  • Below the folder. At the bottom of the No Time To Die section there is a video link of the latest trailer which is a link from YouTube. If users click on the YouTube logo, they are taken to the official 007 YouTube page (Convergence)
  • Subsidiary
    • Universal
  • Also at the bottom of the page is various social media links (Twitter/Facebook and Pinterest) These platforms are typically used by young to middle aged adults which may reflect the target audience of the James Bond franchise.
  • Oligopoly
    A market form where a market or industry is dominated by a small group of large companies
  • The footer of the page contains other social media icons including tik Tok and Instagram. This could convey how the products are trying to target a wider demographic including younger audiences
  • Production
    The stage where a media product is constructed/made
  • There is also clickable logos from the film production companies (Hypermodality) encouraging audiences to look into other films released and explore the companies pages (Active)
  • Production stages
    • Pre-production
    • Production
    • Post-production
  • Pre-production job roles

    • Script writer
    • Casting director
    • Storyboard artist