Electricity and magnetism

Cards (17)

  • The magnetic field lines around the bar magnet are closed loops.
  • the power source in the circuit is called the battery and cell
  • The voltage is the pressure that the electrons are under and pushes them and is measured in volts
  • The current is the flow of electricity in a circuit and the amount of electricity transferred per second
  • A series circuit which the current is the same in all branches and has one loop
  • Parallel circuits are circuits with more than one branch and more than one loop
  • Static electricity is a build up of electric charge on an object
  • Objects can be negatively or positively charged
  • Opposite charges attract and like repel
  • An electro magnet usually has a iron core
  • In an atom there is an electrons (negative) on the outside
  • In an atom there is a nucleus (positive) on the inside and neutrals
  • Normally positive and negative charges cancel out because it has the same number if each
  • When an object gains charge, it becomes unbalanced so it will try to get rid of that extra charge by moving towards another object with opposite charge
  • Electric current flows from high potential difference to low potential difference
  • The more charge something has the stronger its force of attraction/repulsion
  • A conductor allows electricity to flow through it easily