non communicable disease

Cards (19)

  • a risk factor is anything that increases a persons chance of catching a disease
  • non communicable diseases cant be passed from person to person
  • give 3 examples of non - communicable diseases .
    coronary heart disease / cancer / diabetes
  • non communicable diseases are caused by lifestyle and environmental choices
  • one lifestyle factor is obesity which is a risk factor for diabetes and heart attacks
  • one environmental risk is smoking which causes lung cancer
  • smoking directly causes lung disease lung cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • toxins in smoke directly damage alveoli and blood vessels
  • too much alcohol causes liver disease
  • obesity and lack of exercise causes type 2 diabetes
  • developed countries like the uk end up eating too much unhealthy food
  • obesity is a problem in developed countries
  • over consumption of unhealthy foods and lack of excersize causes obesity
  • more deprived areas are more likely to smoke overconsume unhealthy food and not excersize
  • COPD is an irreversable lung damage
  • people with COPD find it very difficult to breath
  • smoking is a primary risk of COPD depending on how much you smoke and the intensity
  • bronchitis is inflamation of bronchi and bronchioles causing mass production of mucus leading to coughing
  • emphysema is fewer large alveoli decreasing surface area for gas exchange and diffusion