Sacred text development

Cards (5)

  • Stage 1- Jesus existence.
    historical context of the Roman empire and the jewish conflict had a significant impact on the development of the gospels. The Romans and the Jews didn’t get along because of the religion final and taxation. The impact of this historical contacts so that Jesus is free and police were expected. The culture context was that Jesus was raised as a Jew. Jesus‘ understanding of the kOG was different to the Jewish understanding of the kingdom of God. Jesus believed that the kOG was inside everyone’s heart and we live by the choices and decisions we make.
  • Did Jewish understanding of the kingdom of God was a destination stars power and riches. Josephus- Jewish scholar and historian wrote about Jesus‘ crucifixion by Pointus Pilate and his resurrection 3 day later. Tacitus was a Roman historian,he wrote 80 years after Jesus’ death by crucifixion and how Christians got their name from Christ. It is important to have info from them - as it show that Jesus was a man who once existed. The document of Matthew Mark Luke and John are books in the Bible to focus on the life of Jesus his teachings and the miracles that he performed.
  • The second stage is the oral tradition this was after the death of Jesus it was led by Jesus‘s apostles. These apostles knew the teachings of Jesus. The tradition was the Next step because at the time people couldn’t read or right so things/news were revived through word of mouth and a lot of people illiterate.
  • The third stage was the written stage - combo of frost and second stage written. This stage was important to keep accurate records that will stand for the rest of time. Does that was necessary because the apostles were ageing are dying so it was important to record information they knew and share it in writing.
  • without stages of development - No foundation to Christianity