Immune System Pathology

Cards (11)

  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - defect in cell-mediated immunity due to final stages of HIV infection
  • AIDS-related complex (ARC) - early stages of AIDS, mild symptoms include weight loss, fatigue and anorexia
  • graft vs host disease - complication of bone marrow transplant, immune cells from donor marrow attach to recipients body
  • human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - virus that causes AIDS - retrovirus
  • immunocompromised - immune system does not function properly, also known as immunodeficiency disorder
  • Kaposi's sarcoma - skin cancer seen in AIDS patients, brownish purple lesions on the skin that spread to organs
  • multiple myeloma - cancer that originates in plasma cells - over time malignant cells collect in the bone marrow
  • opportunistic infection - infection in immunocompromised person
  • pneumocystis pneumonia - opportunistic infection common in AIDS patients
  • sarcoidosis - autoimmune disease, forms fibrous lesions in multiple organs of the body
  • severe combined immunodeficiency (SCIDS) - a rare genetic disorder that causes the immune system to be completely absent