Signs of Normal Breathing

Cards (8)

  • What is the normal rate of breathing for adults?
    12 to 20 breaths/min
  • What is the normal rate of breathing for a child?
    15 to 30 breaths/min
  • What is the normal rate of breathing for an infant?
    30 to 60 breaths/min
  • What kind of pattern of inhalation and exhalation shows normal breathing?
  • What kind of breath sounds are heard with normal breathing?
    clear and equal on both sides of the chest; unlabored, without adventitious (abnormal) breath sounds (wheezing, stridor)
  • What kind of chest rise (chest expansion) and fall is associated with normal breathing?

    regular and equal
  • What depth is associated with normal breathing?
    adequate depth (tidal volume)
  • signs of normal breathing (6):
    • a normal rate
    • regular pattern of inhalation and exhalation
    • clear and equal breath sounds on both sides of the chest
    • regular and equal chest rise and fall
    • adequate depth
    • unlabored; without adventitious breath sounds