Cards (24)

  • Neck
    Just behind the ears and in front of the shoulder.
  • Ears
    Above the eyes and in front of the neck.
  • Eyes
    Below the ears.
  • Snout
    By the mouth.
  • Jowl
    Underneath the snout, sometimes referred to as the chin.
  • Elbow Pocket
    Above the forearm and behind the shoulder.
  • Forearm
    Above the knee and is the thickest part of the front leg.
  • Fore Flank or Fore Rib
    Located in the front portion of the ribs.
  • Belly/Ribs
    Just behind the shoulders and elbow pocket.
  • Knee
    Just above the dewclaws and below the elbow pocket.
  • Underline
    Collection of teats where a litter of pigs will nurse.
  • Dewclaws
    Smaller appendages on the back of the pig’s legs.
  • Pasterns
    Below the dewclaws and above the hooves.
  • Hock
    Located on the rear legs just below the stifle muscle.
  • Rear Flank
    Located past the ribs and in front of the stifle muscle.
  • Stifle Muscle
    Muscle used to move the rear legs.
  • Ham
    Below the tail and above the hocks.
  • Tail
    The size and placement can vary.
  • Rump
    Region behind the hip bones.
  • Ham Loin Junction
    The place where the ham and loin come together.
  • Loin
    Muscle along the back, on each side of the spine.
  • Shoulder
    Behind the neck and in front of the ribs.
  • Chine Bone
    Between the shoulder blades.
    A) ear
    B) head
    C) snout
    D) jowl
    E) knee
    F) cannon bone
    G) pastern
    H) elbow
    I) fore flank
    J) belly
    K) teats
    L) sheath / barrow
    M) hock
    N) dew claw
    O) foot (toes)
    P) stifle joint
    Q) rear flank
    R) ham
    S) vulva
    T) tail
    U) rump
    V) loin
    W) side
    X) back
    Y) forerib area
    Z) shoulder
    [) neck