Officecorrespondences normally take place between employees and employers. These are also written to communicate with clients and customers in a more professional manner.
Job applicants are usually required by their prospective employers to submit a letter of recommendation from their previous employer. The content of the letter focuses on the positive points that may convince the receiver to consider the ongoing application.
It is also known as the letter of receipt. It is written to express acceptance or receipt of a prior correspondence. The sender usually lets the receiver know if an action regarding their request, complaint, or inquiry has already taken place
Written to ask a specific question or elicit an information from the addressee of the letter.
Requestletter is written to ask for a particular information, permission, favor, or service.
Letters of complaint are written to express a problem, discontent or protest about a particular situation.
It is written as an expression of regret and intention to make amends for a mistake committed
resignation letter is written by an employee who wishes to formally leave his/her job position. The content includes the employee's reasons for leaving and future career plans.