Submarine Surfaces

Cards (9)

  • Oceans and Features %
    • The oceans account for 70% of Earth’s surface
    • Deep ocean basins account for 42-47% of the ocean
    • And mid ocean ridges at 31%
  • Tectonic perspective of Deep Oceans and Ridges
    • Deep ocean basins- Average depth of 4 km, flat sediment plains as well a seamounts
    • Mid Ocean Ridges- Depth of 2.6-2 km, the longest mountain range of 65,000 km
  • Ocean Floor Mapping
    o   Only 15% is measured by sonar
    o   Different methods of floor mapping – echo sounder (side or multi beam sonar), seismic reflection profiler, remotely operate vehicles, satellite altimetry
  • Deep Sea Trenches
    o   Can evolve structurally to be starved or filled with sediments
    o   Usually form adjacent to convergent margins
  • Mid Ocean Ridges
    o   Well preserved features, formed through volcanics, tectonics, hydrothermal and sedimentary processes
  • Abyssal Hills and Plains
    o   Abyssal plains result from the blanketing of an originally uneven surface of oceanic crust by fine-grained sediments
    o   Due to extensional faulting, most abundant geomorphic structures on Earth
    o   The slower the spreading rate, the larger their dimensions
  • Seamounts
    o   Underwater mountains or volcanic peaks, that do not reach the surface of the water
  • Submarine Landslides
    • Evidence of submarine landslides are preserved in in deep water valleys where sediments fall and lay undisturbed
  • Continental Margins
    o   The outer edge of continental crust, which shelves, slopes and rises
    o   It is off the continental shelf that submarine canyons occur
    o   Submarine canyons are steep sided valleys cut into the seabed of the continental shelf with nearly vertical walls
    o   Cover around 11% of the ocean floor
    o   Major canyon off the shelf of Perth
    o   Upper canyons are meandering and V shaped
    o   Middle canyons are smoother and U shaped
    o   Lower canyons are lower in relief
    o   Also, evidence of glacial erosional features such as moraines and eskers