gene determination

Cards (20)

  • undifferentiated to determined to differentiated cell types
  • determination means that a cell is committed to particular fate
  • determination is the process leading up to observable differentiation of a cell
  • differentiated stage is achieved through transcriptional regulation, involving gene cascade
  • external signal triggers turning on of master regulatory gene
    causes cell specific genes to turn on to become a differentiated cell
  • muscle differentiation
    • MyoD is activated by external signals
    • cell is determined (called myoblast cell)
    • MyoD activates expression of other muscle specific transcription factors
    • then activate genes for muscle proteins, blocking of cell division
    • non-dividing myoblast fuse together to form muscle fibres
  • Drosophila development
    • main axes are determined
    • segments are established
    • filling in the details (such as organs)
  • Drosophila segments
    • 3 for the head
    • 3 for the thorax
    • 9 for the abdomen
  • bicoid means 2 tailed
  • Bicoid mutant has no anterior end, just 2 posterior ends
    • example of egg polarity gene
    • is result of maternal effect gene
    • encodes transcription factors which initiate cascade of gene activations
  • bicoid protein gradient determines the anterior end of the fly (higher concentration of the protein)
  • transcription factors that determine polarity and position are called morphogens
  • egg polarity genes initiate gene cascade, starting with segmentation genes (gap, pair-rule, segment polarity) then homeotic genes
  • egg polarity genes determine
    anterior-posterior axis and induce gap genes
  • gap genes determine
    sub-dividing embryo into broad areas and induce pair-rule genes
  • pair-rule genes determine 

    pairs of segments and induce segment polarity genes
  • segment polarity genes determine
    anterior-posterior axis of each segment and induce homeotic genes
  • homeotic genes identified as dominant mutations that changes the identity of body parts
  • Hox genes determine identity of embryonic regions along the anterior-posterior axis
  • Hox genes are colinear meaning 

    they occur in clusters, arranged in the same order as the regions they affect