The Endocrine System- a system of different glands & ducts throughout the body.
Each gland in the Endocrine System secretes a specific type of hormone directly into the bloodstream to regulate the cells and tissues of the body.
The Endocrine System is controlled by an area of the brain called the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus receives sensory information about the internal & external environment and decides how to respond.
The Autonomic nervous system controls automatic processes within the body through nerves straight to the organs or by stimulating the endocrine system.
2. The hypothalamus sends a releasing hormone to activate the pituitary gland.
3. The pituitary gland releases an activating hormone into the bloodstream which signals to the target gland to release its hormone.
4. This system= feedback loop, increasing levels of hormone is detected by hypothalamus which then shuts down the secretion of its releasing hormone, which then shuts down the rest of the system.
Hormones= chemicals that are detected by 'target' organs and influence their function.
A physiological reaction occurs when enough receptor sites are stimulated by a hormone.