Tests cleared by the FDA for home use, employ simple methodologies, and pose no reasonable risk of harm to the patient if test will be performed incorrectly
Clinical microscopy procedures only, performed by personnel such as physician's assistants, nurse practitioners, midwives, physicians, and dentists who meet moderate complexity requirements
Part of a larger system referred to as QA, performed to ensure that acceptable standards are met, includes internal, external, electronic, proficiency testing, calibration, and maintenance
There are multiple opportunities to make an error within the testing phases of POCT, and incorrect results can influence the way the patient is treated or not treated
There are multiple opportunities to make an error within the testing phases, and incorrect results influence the way the patient is treated or not treated
Monitor glucose levels in diabetes mellitus patients (hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic), Glycosylated (HbA1c) hemoglobin monitors glucose present in hemoglobin for the past 3-4 months
Hgb is determined photometrically using a dry reagent system, The reagents in the microcuvette lyse the RBCs to release Hgb which is converted to azide methemoglobin by sodium nitrite and sodium azide to produce a color reaction