CHILD-D Feeding

Cards (18)

  • Each breast contains 20 sections (lobes) in which milk is produced from milk glands, each section has a duct which opens on the surface of the nipple, therefore milk comes from 20 tiny openings
  • The dark area around the nipple is the Areola
  • Size of breasts depend on the amount of fatty tissue not the number od milk producing glands
  • Colostrum is high in proteins and has a mild laxative effect that encourages the baby to pass stool
  • How does breast feeding work?
    When the baby is born, this is the signal for the breasts to begin producing milk and 2/3 days later it starts to flow ( after colostrum).
    Breast milk tends to look water and bluish at the beginning of a feed but towards the end looks creamy.
    The sucking action stimulates the milk glands to produce more milk, the action of the baby's lips and gums pressing on the aerola triggers the 'let down' reflex which helps push milk out for baby
  • Lactation is the secretion and ejection of milk by the mammary glands, the hormone prolactin stimulates milk production and other hormone oxytocin releases the milk
  • Advantages of breast feeding:
    • Antibodies passed to baby ( babies have little resistance to infections) so it helps boost immune system
    • Less likely to develop allergies such as asthma and eczema
    • Breast milk never causes indigestion, baby will be happier, less pain and easy to digest
    • Saves time and effort, no preparation of bottles needed
  • Disadvantages of Breast feeding:
    • Baby may not get enough milk from breast as mum may be tense or overtired, baby won't gain weight
    • Only mum can feed baby, tiring for her and she may feel stressed and under pressure especially during night feeds
    • Dad may feel left out, as he can't spend time feeding baby, may feel pushed to the side
    • May feel embarrassed breast feeding in public
  • Formula feed steps
    • Ensure everything is clean
    • Sterilise bottles and teats
    • Read guidelines on side of box
    • Allow water to cool for 30 minutes
    • 70 degrees ideal temperature
    • Fill bottle to 7 Ounces
    • 7 scoops of powder
    • Seal bottle
    • 10 second shake
    • Hold in cold water to cool
    • Test temperature on the inside of wrist
  • DO'S for bottle feeding
    • Always sterilise bottles- remove any left over milk and kill any bacteria so it doest transfer to baby
    • Wash hands before making formula- Bacteria won't be transferred to clean bottles
    • Cool the feed quickly- Warm milk provides the ideal condition for bacteria to grow
  • DONT'S for bottle feeding
    • Don't sterilise bottles in dishwasher- doesnt reach high temps to kill bacteria
    • Do not heat in microwave- causes hot spots which can burn babies mouth
    • Don't use water that has already been boiled- Reputedly boiling water increases the concentration of minerals in water e.g. sodium
  • Why should a bottle feed not be too strong?
    -Too much salt can make baby very ill, leading too dehydration or worse permanent brain damage
    -Too much protein, baby can become fat, overweight, obesity
    -Difficult to digest, make baby vomit and have stomach pains tg
  • Reading the instructions carefully when preparing formula milk
    • it informs parents how much a baby needs at each stage so mother won't over feed or under
    • Use the scoop that comes with the chosen brand of formula
    • Do not reheat bottles in microwave, causes hot spots
  • Gastro-enteritis: immflammation of the stomach and intestines, it is caused from not sterilising bottles and equipment
  • Steam Steriliser
    • wash in warm soapy water
    • 80 ml of water, load up bottles
    • Simple
    • 24 hour sterile
    • No solution
    • Takes 5 minutes
  • Boiling for 10 minutes
    • Boil in water for 10 minutes
    • Teats get damaged
  • Sterilising solution
    • Fill sterilising unit with water, submerge bottles
    • Takes 15 minutes
    • 99% effective
    • Lasts 24 hours
    • Easy to use
    • Takes 15 minutes
    • Cost effective
  • Microwave
    • Easy to use
    • Limited amount of bottles
    • Not accessible