Pain Relief

Cards (6)

  • Gas and Air (Entonox)
    • Mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas
    • Takes 15-20 seconds to work
    • Doesn’t take away all pain but makes it more bearable
  • Water birth
    • Helps to relax and make contractions seem less painful
    • Temperature monitored every hour as it must not go over 37.5 degrees
  • Pethidine
    • Injection into thigh or buttock to relieve pain and relax
    • Takes 20 minutes to work
    • Can affect baby’s breathing
  • Breathing Techniques
    Helps redirect thought process from pain to relaxed response
  • TENS Machine
    • Stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
    • Some hospitals have them but they can be hired
    • Shown to be effective during active phase of labour when contractions get stronger
  • Epidural
    • Type of local anaesthetic
    • Numbs nerves that carry pain
    • In most cases it gives complete pain relief