ethnicity and attainment

Cards (13)

  • Cultural dep - Bereiter and Engelmann
    considered language spoken by low income black Americans as inadequate for educational success. There is a concern that those who don't speak English at home may be held back. For example, an elaborated code of speech is needed for assessments.
    AO3 - However, in 2010, pupils with English as a first language were only 3.2 points ahead of those who didn't. Furthermore, Indian pupils do very well despite not having English often as a first language (Gillborn and Mirza).
  • Cultural dep - Moynihan
    argued that many black families are headed by lone mothers and therefore the children are deprived of adequate care due to struggles financially because of no male breadwinner. Lack of fatherly presence means that boys lack role models of male achievement. New Right theorists would agree with this. High rate of lone parents and lack of positive male role models leads to underachievement
    AO3 - cultural dep = victim blaming excuse. Ethnic minority kids culturally different but not cultural dep. - unachievement may be caused by ed being ethnocentric
  • Labelling - Becker
    teachers judge students based on appearance rather than ability and skill. Teachers are quicker to discipline black pupils than those doing the same behaviours. Black pupils felt teachers misunderstood them and underestimated their ability
  • Labels - Gillborn and Youdell
    Black pupils were more likely to be streamed into lower sets due to labels ---> This could lead to the self fulfilling prophecy
    AO3 - However, Fuller would argue that the negative labels aren't always internalised and are sometimes rejected, therefore labels don't always lead to failure and underachievement. AO3 - Comparatively, Sewel would argue that Fuller’s argument isn’t always the case, when black boys are labelled negatively, there tends to be a range of responses so not everyone rejects.
  • Material dep - Flasherly
    argued that Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic groups are 3 times more likely to belong to the poorest 5th of the population, therefore less likely to be able to afford additional educational resources. Furthermore, 15% of majority and minority groups are in overcrowded dwellings. Ethnic minorities are twice as likely to be unemployed than white people. Almost half of all ethnic minority children live in low income families against ¼ of white children.
  • Material dep - Flasherly AO3 Modood
    material deprivation and social class doesn’t completely override influence of ethnicity. White children from disadvantaged backgrounds didn’t do as well, the effects of low income were less for other ethnic minority groups than for white pupils. In 2011, 86% of Chinese girls who received Free School Meals (FSM)  achieved 5 or more GCSES at A star to C grade, against only 65% of white girls who didn’t receive FSM. --- do they become materially dep due to other factors? Institutional racism or individual racism (Tonya and Williams)
  • Institutional racism - Mac an Ghill
    black boys and girls may respond to institutional racism differently. He argued that girls comply with formal rules but withhold any real engagement with the organisation, whereas boys challenge the school culture, therefore are more likely to be excluded.
  • Institutional racism - Ball and Coard
    Ball criticised the national curriculum for ignoring ethnic diversity. History tries to recreate ‘mythical age of empire and pass glories. The National Curriculum ignores Black and Asian history, making them feel inferior, leading to low self esteem (Coard).
  • Institutional racism - AO3
    Stone argues that Black people may in fact not have low self esteem. Coard criticised the education system because it makes Black children become educationally ‘subnormal’ by making them feel inferior. West Indian children told their way of speaking was unacceptable, implying they were second rate as human beings. Although the curriculum ignores culture, Indian and Chinese pupils' achievement is above average. 2009 statistics show that 55% of Chinese and 31% of Indian children achieved an A grade in one of their subjects.
  • Racism in work place - Noon
    argues that managers will overly discriminate against certain members based on the assumption of their ethnic group. Racial discrimination leads to social exclusion and worses the poverty faced by ethnic minority groups
  • racism in job market and media - Wood et al 

    Wood et al sent 3 closely matched job applications with names associated with different ethnic groups. 1 in 16 ethnic minority applications offered an interview, against 1 in 9 for white applicants.
    AO3 - many companies implement blind applications and so they don’t find out details until invited for an interview. Furthermore, legislation is active and states that everyone should be given equal opportunities regardless of background
  • Policies of marketisation - Gillborn
    Some ethnic groups with the lowest educational outcomes often are among the poorest groups in society. Furthermore, poor ethnic groups are less likely to move to better catchment, therefore there is limited parental choice. Marketisation gives schools more scope to select pupils, allowing negative stereotypes to influence decisions about school administrations - link Moore and Davenpoort -  selection procedures lead to ethnic segregation. - leads to ethnic stratified education system.
  • marketisation - The Commission for Racial Equality (1993)

    identified the biases in Britain. Racism in school administration procedures meant ethnic minority children were more likely to go to the more unpopular schools. This suggests that the middle class benefit immensely from Marketisation in schools.
    AO3 - Gewitz found that Asian parents made choices to avoid the rough schools with a reputation for racism, opting instead for ones they perceive as safe and with firm discipline.