the bending or forcing of the hand laterally with the hand pronated in a posteroanterior (PA) projection is known as: ulnardeviation
what is the distance between the tabletop and Bucky tray on most floating tabletop type of tables?
3 to 4inches (8 to 10cm)
how should the original kV range be changed with a fiberglass cast applied for a wrist or forearm radiographic procedure?
increase3 to 4kV
which special projection of the wrist will open up the interspace on the ulnar side of the wrist?
how much CR angulation to the long axis of the hand is required for the tangential, inferosuperior projection to demonstrate the carpal sulcus (canal)?
25degrees to 30degrees
which special projection of the wrist is ideal for demonstrating possible calcification in the dorsal aspect of the carpals?
a patient enters the emergency department (ED) with a smith fracture. which region of the upper limb must be radiographed to demonstrate this injury?
wrist and forearm
a radiograph of a tangential, inferosuperior projection of the carpal canal reveals that the hamate is superimposed over the pisiform. which of the following measures will correct this problem?
rotate the wrist and hand10 degrees internally
a patient enters the ED with a possible scaphoid fracture. the patient is unable to assume the ulnar deviation position. which of the following positions should be performed to confirm the diagnosis?
a patient with a history of carpal tunnel syndrome comes to radiology. the physician wants to rule out abnormal calcifications in the carpal sulcus. which of the following projections would best demonstrate this region?
how many carpal bones are found in the wrist?
what is the most commonly fractured carpal bone?
which wrist ligament is attached to the styloid process of the ulna and continues to the triquetrum and pisiform?
the two fat stripes of the wrist demonstrated radiographically are known as the scaphoid fat stripe and the _____ fat stripe
a general positioning rule is to place the long axis of the part ____ to the long axis of the image receptor.
a radiograph of a PA projection of the hand reveals that the distal radius and ulna and the carpals were cut off. what should the technologist do to correct this problem?
repeat the PA projection to include all the carpals and about 1inch of the distalradius and ulna
a radiograph of a PA oblique of the hand reveals that the mid aspect of the fourth and fifth metacarpals is superimposed. what specific positioning error has been committed?
excessive rotation of the hand and/or wrist
a patient arrives in radiology with a metal foreign body in the palm of the hand. which of the following hand routines should be performed on this patient to confirm the location of the foreign body?
PA and lateral in extensionprojections
a patient enters radiology with a possible Bennett's fracture. which of the following routines should be performed to confirm the diagnosis?thumb
when performing a PA hand radiographic examination, the central ray (CR) should be centered to the ____