Cards (34)

  • King Louis XV dies; succeeded by grandson Louis XVI
  • Louis XVI declares war on England in support of American revolution
  • Assembly of notables; Parlement remonstrates against a land tax and its exiled.
  • 1788
    june- day of tiles in grenoble
    aug- france is declared bankrupt + announcement of estates general for may 1789.
  • 1789
    jan-sieyes 'what is third estate'
    mar-apr=elections to estates-general
    5 may-opening of estates-general
    17 June third estate becomes national assembly
    20 June Tennis court oath.
  • 1789
    14 July storming of the bastille
    Late july-early aug Great fear, August decrees on feudalism and decleration of right of Man.
    Oct women's march to versailles
    Nov Church property seized
    Dec assignat issued.
  • 1790
    July The civil constitution of clergy (ccc)
    Nov Oath to the CCC
  • 1791
    Aug decleration of Pillnitz
    Sept constitution of 1791
    1 oct legislative Assemly meets.
    Nov decrees against emigres and refractory priests.
  • 1791
    20 june royal family flight to varenne
    July louis is suspended from office
    16-17 July Petition and massacre on champ de mars.
  • 1792
    April= decleration of war on Austria
    June=dismissal of girodin ministers
    20 June= sans-culottes first journe to Tuileries
    July decleration of La patrie en danger
    July Publication of Brunswick Manifesto
  • 1792
    10 Aug Sans-culottes' second journee to Tuileries + suspension of King.
    Sept massacre
    20 sept meeting of National convention + victory at Valmy
    21/2 sept monarchy is abolished and france becomes a republic.
  • 1793
    Jan king's trial and execution
    Feb french declaration of war on Britain
    March Decleration of war on Spain + creation of revolutionary tribunal
    March beginning of revolt in vendee
    April formation of CPS and representants en mission.
  • 1793
    May First law of Maximum
    2 June expulsion of girodins, federalist revolts
    July Assasination of Marat
    Aug Levee en masse
    Sept sans-culottes journee + law of suspects + law of general maximum.
    Oct decleration of revolutionary gov, execution of Marie-antoinette and Girodin leaders
    Dec constitution of the terror.
  • 1794
    March arrest and execution of Hebertists
    March-Apr Arrest and execution of dantonists
    June festival of the supreme being + law of 22 prairal
    July overthrow of robespierre
    Nov closure of Jacobin club
    Dec abolition of general maximum
  • 1795
    Apr Journee of Germinal
    Apr-may 'white terror'
    May- journee of Prairal
    Aug- constitution of year III
    oct royalist rising in vendemiaire
    Nov installation of directory
  • 1796
    March Bonaparte appointed commander of army of Italy
    May- babeuf conspiracy
  • 1797
    sept 18 fructidor coup against royalist deputies
    oct treaty of campo formio
  • 1798
    removal of extreme republicans from office + napoleon sent to egypt
    aug french fleet defeated at Battle of Nile
  • 1799
    War of second coalition
    Nov coup of Brumaire
    Dec costitution of Year VIII, proclamation of consulate
  • 1800
    Creation of bank of france
    June Battle of Marengo
    Dec plot to kill napoleon
  • 1801
    Feb treaty of Luneville
    July concordant with Pope
  • 1802
    Peace of Amiens
    Constitution of year X
  • 1803
    Renewal of war with britain
  • 1804
    execution of duc d'enghien
    dec Napoleon is crowned emperor
  • 1805
    Third coalition is formed against France
    Oct Battle of Trafalgar
    Dec Battle of Austrelitz + napoleon crowned king of Italy
  • 1806
    July creation of confederation of the rhine
    Oct battle of Jena + Berlin decree
  • 1807
    June-july Tilsit meeting
    July creation of kingdom of westphalia and Duchy of warsaw
    dec milan decree
  • 1808
    spain rises in revolt; beginning of peninsular war
  • 1809
    Austrain campaign
    July Battle of Wagram
  • 1810
    Marriage of Napoleon and Marie-Louise
  • 1812
    June start of Russian campaign
    Sept Battle of borodino + malet affair
    oct retreat from Moscow begins
  • 1813
    war of fourth coalition
    oct battle of Leipzing
  • 1814
    March treaty of chaumont, Paris surrenders
    April napoleon abdicates
    May Louis XVIII returns + first treaty of Paris
    Nov opening of congress of vienna
  • 1815
    Feb Napoleon escapes from elba, beginning of hundred days
    June Battle of waterloo
    June Napoleon abdicates again, leaving Louis XVIII as King of France