Stars are classified based on their spectral type (temperature) and luminosity class (brightness).
What is the study of astronomy?
The study of the universe and the objects within it, such as stars, planets, and galaxies.
What is the universe?
All of existence, including everything from the smallest subatomic particles to the vast expanse of space.
What is the solarsystem?
A group of celestial objects that orbit around the Sun, including the eight planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets.
What is a blackhole?
A region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape once it crosses the event horizon.
What is the life cycle of a star?
The sequence of stages a star goes through from its formation until its death, including protostar, main sequence, red giant, white dwarf, and supernova.
What is gravitational attraction?
The force that attracts two objects with mass towards each other, causing objects to fall towards the ground and holding planets in orbit around their stars.
What is a galaxy?
A massive, gravitationally bound system consisting of stars, stellar associations, and various forms of interstellar medium, such as gas and dust.
What are dark matter and dark energy?
Dark matter: a type of matter that does not emit or reflect light, making it invisible to our telescopes. Dark energy: a mysterious force thought to be responsible for the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.
What is a planetary orbit?
The elliptical path that planets follow around their stars, influenced by the presence of other celestial bodies.
What is luminosity?
The amount of energy emitted by a celestial object per unit time, often used to describe the brightness of distant stars and galaxies.
What is spectroscopy?
The study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation, used to analyze the composition and temperature of celestial objects.
What is gravity?
The force that attracts two objects with mass towards each other.
The science that studies the properties, composition and structures of matter and the changes it undergoes
Conforms to the container's shape but fills the container only to the extent of the liquid's volume with particles which are close together but disorganized
Elements in the A groups on the periodic chart. These elements will have their "last" electron in an outer s or p orbital. These elements have fairly regular variations in their properties.
Elements on periodic chart in B groups, sometimes called transition metals. These elements make the transition from metals to non-metals. Exhibit smaller variations from row-to-row than the representative elements.