
Cards (26)

  • Many terms of the language that are supposed to be gender-neutral are not
  • The pronoun "he" is used both when we know the person is male and when we do not know the gender of the individual
  • This use of "he" as a gender-neutral pronoun is not logical
  • Feminist theorists argue that using words like "man" and "he" for both genders ignores or marginalizes women, reinforcing the idea that men are the default
  • Language is a tool for social interaction and it can be affected by different social contexts
  • True. There should be three pronouns: male, female and as-yet-undetermined
  • True. In most studies, women use fewer non-standard language forms compared to men in similar social situations
  • Gender differences in language use
    • Physical orientation: Men avoid eye contact, women use eye contact
    • Status and connection: Men talk for status, women talk for solidarity
    • Directness and indirectness: Men from decision to discussion, women from discussion to decision
    • Public and private talk: Men talkative in public, quiet in private, women quiet in public, talkative in private
    • Ritual opposition: Men fight for fun, women may fight but not for fun
    • Conversation style: Men avoid "trouble talk" as it puts status at risk, women use "trouble talk" to create rapport
  • Females show greater sensitivity to socially evaluative linguistic features than males
  • In careful speech, women use fewer stigmatized forms than men and are more sensitive to the prestige pattern
  • Females show more awareness of prestige norms in both their actual speech and their attitudes towards speech
  • Females, allowing for other variables, produce an average linguistic form which more closely approaches the standard language or has higher prestige than those produced by men
  • In stable sociolinguistic stratification, men use higher frequency of non-standard forms than women
  • The view that "male" is the norm and "female" is the deviation
  • Casey Miller and Kate Swift are pioneers in the movement to get rid of the language of sexist prejudice
  • Spiro T. Agnew argues that degenderized English is both foolish and awkward, and that feminist's accomplish is a setback in fluency
  • Gender
    The social roles and behavior of individuals arising from their classification as biologically male or female
  • Two key approaches within the field of language and gender studies
    • The Difference Approach: Asserts that male and female language differs without attributing it to social relationships
    • The Dominance Approach: Sees language use as reflecting male control over females
  • Language has contributed to women`s lower status in quite varied ways.
  • Gender Originally a grammatical term, has come to refer to the social roles and behavior of individuals arising from their classification as biologically male or female.
  • Genderization is the first act of giving names
  • Gender roles are perceptually merged with biological sex and unless one step think about the matter this seems to be perfectly natural.
  • The standard of any langauge is the one with greatest prestige.
  • She demonstrated the gender differences in language use. Deborah Tannen
  • Diminutive Formation ___are commonly used for girls, which stresses their lacks of power and conversely needed for protection.
  • De-sexification of language__ that is to remove inherently sexist structure