Feminist theorists argue that using words like "man" and "he" for both genders ignores or marginalizes women, reinforcing the idea that men are the default
Females, allowing for other variables, produce an average linguistic form which more closely approaches the standard language or has higher prestige than those produced by men
Language has contributed to women`s lower status in quite varied ways.
Gender Originally a grammatical term, has come to refer to the social roles and behavior of individuals arising from their classification as biologically male or female.
Genderization is the first act of giving names
Genderroles are perceptually merged with biological sex and unless one step think about the matter this seems to be perfectly natural.
The standard of any langauge is the one with greatestprestige.
She demonstrated the gender differences in language use. DeborahTannen
Diminutive Formation ___are commonly used for girls, which stresses their lacks of power and conversely needed for protection.
De-sexificationoflanguage__ that is to remove inherently sexist structure