Sex _ refers to the basic, biologically given psychological differences between males and females.
Gender_ Refers to a culture`s social construction of differences between the sexes.
Gender Equality_ refers to the principle of equality between women and men and equal rights to enjoy conditions in realizing their full potentials
Gender Equity_ refers to the policies, instruments, programs and actions that address the disadvantaged positions of women in society.
The 1987 _ Constitution has first paved a way for women empowerment.
Article II section 14 _ the role of the women in nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men
Republic Act no 7192 _ women in Development and Nation Building Act was passed. Assistance fund shall be set aside to support programs and activities for women.
NEDA National Economic Development Authority _ is the responsible agency in ensuring active participation and involvement of women in any program or project that will be implemented by the government.
Republic Act 7877 or otherwise known as Anti-Sexual harassmentActof1995. this statute guarantees full respects for human rights and upholds a dignity of workers.
2008, MagnaCartaforWomen or RANo9710. was promulgated affirming the role of women in nation building. Promote women empowerment.
This memorandum clearly stated that married women has an option to use the same name as their husband, but no a duty. Accordancewith RA NO 7192 & RA NO 9710, Memorandum Circular No 2016-07
RA9262 - Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) act of 2004. This law aims to protect women from all forms of violence.
Simply referred to as the plan. _ PhilippinePlanforGender Responsive Development 1995-2025
What is the Meaning of GAD?
Gender and Development
This is known as the _ CondonationDoctrine, wherein the crime is considered to be forgiven if the offended party has expressedly forgiven the perpetrator of the felony.
RA10354 known as the Responsible ParenthoodandReproductive healthActof2012 _ recognizes the rights of all to equality and nondiscrimination
True. Men and Women have different leadership styles
True. Men are the primarily given the responsibility for affairs in the public sphere (politics and economic)