
Cards (17)

  • Nutrition Care Process (NCP)
    • A systematic method to providing high-quality nutrition care
    • Provides a framework for the dietitians to customize care, considering the client's needs and values and using the best evidence available to make decisions
  • Nutrition Care Process
    1. Nutrition Assessment/Reassessment
    2. Nutrition Diagnosis
    3. Nutrition Intervention
    4. Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Domains of Nutrition Assessment
    • Food/nutrition-related history
    • Anthropometric measurement
    • Biochemical data, medical tests, and procedures
    • Nutrition-focused physical findings
    • Client history
    • Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation Tools
    • Etiology category
    • Progress evaluation
  • Nutrition Assessment/Reassessment
    • Systematic approach to collect, classify, and synthesize important and relevant data needed to identify nutrition-related problems and their causes
    • Relevant, complete and adequate
    • Systematic process of obtaining, verifying and interpreting data
  • Data gathered, or indicators, are compared to reference standards, recommendations, or goals which may be national, institutional, or regulatory
  • Findings are then communicated in nutrition diagnosis (problem) statements and nutrition intervention goal setting
  • Nutrition Diagnosis
    Identification and labeling of an existing nutrition problem(s) that the practitioner is responsible for treating
  • Categories of Nutrition Diagnosis
    • Intake - too much or too little compared to requirements
    • Clinical - related to medical or physical conditions
    • Behavioral/Environmental - knowledge, attitude, beliefs, access to food, etc.
    • Problem can be resolved or improved by nutrition interventions
    • Etiology should be the specific root cause
    • Signs and symptoms can be used to monitor or evaluate changes
    • PES should be supported by the Nutrition Assessment
  • Nutrition Intervention
    Purposely planned action designed with the intent of changing a nutrition-related behavior, risk factor, environmental condition, or aspect of health status to resolve or improve the identified nutrition diagnosis or nutrition problem
  • Categories of Nutrition Intervention
    • Food and Nutrient Delivery - food/nutrient provision
    • Nutrition Education - instruct/impart knowledge
    • Nutrition Counseling - client-counselor collaboration
    • Coordination of Nutrition Care - referral, collaboration with other healthcare team
    • Population-based Nutrition Action - designed for population
    • Nutrition Intervention is prioritized based on urgency, impact and resources
    • Patient-focused; collaborate with client to identify goals; customize interventions
    • Evidence-based
    • Timeframe, frequency, intensity, duration, follow-up and revision
  • Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Determine and measure the amount progress made for the nutrition intervention and whether the nutrition related goals/expected outcomes are being met
    • Identifies outcomes/indicators relevant to the diagnosis and nutrition intervention plans and goals
    • Nutrition assessment is an ongoing dynamic process that involves initial data collection and continual reassessment and analysis of the client's status compared to accepted standards, recommendations, and/or goals
    • Monitoring and evaluation is the process wherein the RND uses the same data to determine changes in client behavior, nutritional status, and the efficacy of nutrition intervention
  • Nutrition Care Process Model (NCPM)
    • Workflow of professionals in diverse individual and population care delivery settings
    • Steps of NCP
    • Internal and external factors affecting its application
  • Components of the NCPM
    • Central component - relationship between the individual/population and RND
    • 4 steps of NCP
    • Skills and abilities of the RND
    • Environmental factors
    • Screening and referral process
    • Outcomes management system
  • Nutrition Care Process Terminology (NCPT)
    • Standardized language used by RNDs to describe all activities performed in the 4 steps of NCP
    • Intended to enable clear and reliable narratives of the services provided by RNDs
    • Used to facilitate communication between and among RNDs
    • The specific vocabulary allows for data gathering for nutrition research and documentation of quality measures