Includes assessed findings from evaluation of body systems, muscle and subcutaneous fat wasting, oral health, hair, skin and nails, signs of edema, suck/swallow/breath ability, appetite and affect
Muscle mass is catabolized during inflammation, especially among critically ill patients to provide amino acids for gluconeogenesis and protein synthesis
Patient should be sitting or standing; shoulders in neutral position; use fingers to press above and below the clavicle bone to palpate for muscle loss; and then down the neck to shoulder junction
Assessing muscle wasting in the thigh/ patellar region
Ask patient to sit and prop leg on stool or bend leg up in bend with thigh off the bed; use hand to cup above, below, and around the patella to assess muscle
Patient needs to be physically present and cooperative
Ideal: patient is standing or sitting, wears minimal clothing, can provide correct answers to questions
Position of a bedridden patient can impact muscle mass and fat stores
Prepare for patient interaction
Be familiar with your patient's anatomy
Is there prior injury, surgery, or non-nutrition related issue, that would cause your patient to have an abnormal presentation of an area on their body
NPFE begins with general observations (first impression) and physical characteristics of the patient
Other barriers: critical illness, with its lines, tubing, and other devices; obesity; COVID-19