Genesis - one of the books of the Hebrew Bible and Christian old testament. World was created in six days
Rigveda - a Hindu text; described the universe as oscillating universe in which a " cosmicegg " of Brahmana containing the whole universe.
Anaxagoras - believed in primordial universe
Leucippus & Democritus - believed in atomic universe
Aristotle & Ptolemy - the Greek philosophers proposed a geocentric universe where earth stayed motionless in the heaven and everything was revolving around it
NicolausCopernicus - contradicted the theory of the philosophers, his theory of heliocentrism demonstrated that the motions of celestial objects can be explained without putting the earth in the center of the universe
GiordanoBruno – in 1584 the Italian philosopher suggested that even the Solar System is not in the center of the universe
IsaacNewton- in 1687 he describes the universe as a static, steady state, infinite universe
ReneDescartes - French philosopher outlined a Cartesian vertex model of the universe with many of the characteristics of Newton's static, infinite universe.
Gravitational effects - a system of a huge swirling whirlpools of the matter.
Albert Einstein - same with Newton has, believed that the universe was static neither expanding nor contraction but he added a cosmological constant to his general theory.
The BigBangTheory - The most widely accepted explanation of how the Universe began.
Hubble discovered that galaxies were moving away from one another at speedsproportional to their distance from us.
Big Bang Theory - Current accepted model on the formation of the universe. Describes the universe is expanding having originated from an infinitely tiny dense point around 14Gya
Singularity - there is only pure energy compressed in a single point when mater was not present.
Georges Lemaitre - attributed the fundamental statement of the bigbang theory in 1927
Edwin Hubble - supported the theory and he demonstrated the continuously expanding of the universe through the observation of galacticredshifts in 1929.
Arno Penzias & Robert Wilson - discovered the cosmicmicrowavebackgroundradiation in 1965
The Four Fundamental Forces:
Gravity - attraction between bodies
Electromagneticforces - binds atoms into molecules
Strongnuclearforce - binds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus
OscillatingUniverse - , also known as " PulsatingTheory " proposes that the universe is expanding and will contact once all the energy after the bigbang has been used up.
SteadyStateTheory - the universe had always been expanding but the average density of the universe remains the same
InflationaryUniverse - AlanGuth , American physicist , He incorporated a short early period of exponential cosmic inflation in order to solve the uncertainties of the standard
Big bangmodel - This theory became known as inflationarymodel, which states that the universe expanded rapidly after the big bang.
MonsignorGeoresLemaitre - Roman catholic priest, physicist, and astronomer. First known academic to propose a theory of an expanding universe. "Hypothesis of the primeval atom or cosmic egg"
Cosmology - the study of heavenly bodies.
According to Big Bang Theory, the universe started as a singularity
Singularity - It is an area predicted to be the core of a black hole.
Nucleosynthesis - the formation of elements such as H and He
The presence of Hydrogen and Helium led to formation of stars and galaxies
Oscillating universe is a combination of bigcrunch and bigbang
Big crunch occurs when the universe expands and eventually reverse, then collapses causing formation of singularity
Singularity results in a bigbang
RichardTolman - he called the birth of another universe as the big bounce
Steady State Theory proposed by astronomers Fred Hoyle, ThomasGold, and Hermann Bondi
Noosphere - the sphere of human consciousness and reason, by VladimirVernadsky, according to him, the humans are the last stage of evolution
James Hutton - Father of modern geology
GaiaHypothesis - if all cats were removed, then rats will invade
James Lovelock - earth is self-regulating
NASA - NationalAeronautics and SpaceAdministration
Aeronautics - branch of science that studies flights