rps key terms

Cards (29)

  • the trinity C
    Father, son, holy spirit- concept of one God who is three 'persons' each being fully god yet aren't identical to each other and is separate but one at the same time
  • salvation C
    the idea that we are saved from the consequences of our sin and are able to live eternally with God
  • atonement C
    making up for our wrong doing
  • incarnation C
    God becoming flesh- found in Luke "Mary became pregnant through the holy spirit
  • heaven C
    a place for eternal life and ultimate happiness
  • hell C
    place of suffering ruled by satan
  • dependent arising B
    the belief that everything exists because of other things- Link with 3 marks of existence: dukkah couldn't happen without someone causing the suffering in the first place, anicca couldn't happen without someone or something causing the change and anatta couldn't exist without something happening to cause yourself to change
  • 5 skandahs/aggregates B
    perception, mental formation, form, sensation, consciousness
  • 4 noble truths B
    Dukkah- suffering
    Samudaya- suffering has a cause
    Nirrodah- suffering can come to an end
    Magga- there is a means to bring suffering to an end
  • four sights B
    old man, sick man, dead man, holy man
  • ahimsa B
    respect for all living things and avoidance of violence towards others.
  • three marks of existence
    anatta, anicca, dukkah
  • anatta
    belief that there is no fixed self
  • anicca
    impermanence- belife that nothing is permanent
  • dukkah
  • buddahood
    reaching enlightenment
  • arhat
    a perfected person- therevada
  • tahna
  • sunyata
    emptiness- mahayana
  • bodhisattva
    a being destined for enlightenment- mahyana
  • ascetic
    a life free from worldly pleasures
  • karuna
  • three posions
    greed, hatred, ignorance
  • metta
    pure love which is selfless and not possesive
  • mara
    evil coming from within a person
  • problems of evil and suffering
    god = ominbenevolent so wouldn't want us to suffer
    Therefore God must have limited power so cannot stop evil and suffering, also means he is not omnipotent
    doesn't make sense as that would mean God is not supreme
  • why is grace important
    shows we are understanding of salvation due to our sins
    is Gods gift that we may choose to accept
  • why is law important
    keeping all of God's laws means that you have not sinned so are free from the consequences of sin and have been saved
  • why is holy spirit important
    in Act 2 it says that it "dwells" within each christian to help them be a better christian and do good works