Reasons for maintaining biodiversity

Cards (13)

  • Biodiversity
    The range and variety of genes, species and habitats within a particular region
  • Components of biodiversity
    • Genetic diversity
    • Species diversity
    • Ecosystem diversity
  • Global biodiversity has a major impact on humans and all other species on the planet
  • Reasons for maintaining biodiversity
    • Ecological
    • Economic
    • Aesthetic
    • Social
    • Moral/ethical
    • Environmental
    • Agricultural
  • Ecological reasons
    • Biodiversity has a major effect on the stability of an ecosystem
    • A more diverse ecosystem is better able to survive and adapt to environmental changes or threats
  • Ecological reasons

    • Some species of fish in a species-rich lake are unable to cope with temperature rise due to global warming, while others can
    • Keystone species like bush elephants have a larger impact on the ecosystem than others
  • Economic reasons

    • Ecosystems have a lot of economic value
    • Many medicines originate from plants, fungi and bacteria
    • Ecotourism is a major source of income for many countries
    • Ecosystems have made major contributions to science and technology
  • Economic reasons
    • The cancer-fighting drug paclitaxel is sourced from Pacific and Himalayan Yew Trees
    • The specific enzyme used in DNA sequencing was first discovered in a thermophilic bacterium found in a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park, USA
  • Aesthetic reasons
    • Humans find great joy and pleasure in the beauty of nature
    • It provides inspiration for creatives such as photographers, poets, musicians and artists
  • Social reasons
    • Many people enjoy spending time in the natural environment
    • There are many activities that people can do together in nature, e.g. birdwatching, walking, climbing
  • Moral & ethical reasons
    • Humans have a moral obligation to prevent the loss of biodiversity that results from human activities
    • Humans share the planet with millions of others species and they have no right to cause the extinction of other species
    • As humans are the most intelligent species on the planet the responsibility falls upon their shoulders to protect and value all of the organisms on the planet
  • Environmental reasons
    • Humans need diverse ecosystems because of the essential environmental services they provide
    • Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help to reduce the greenhouse effect and climate change
    • Microorganisms digest and break down the masses of organic waste that are produced by larger organisms
    • Humans have irrigation and drinking water thanks to the transpiration of plants and their contribution to the water cycle
    • Different fungi and bacteria species are a major part of the nutrient cycle that allows for nutrients to reenter the soil for further plant growth
    • Plants are producers in food webs and are both a direct and indirect energy source for humans
  • Agricultural reasons
    • Most of the crops that humans grow are very uniform with low genetic diversity
    • The wild relatives of crops can provide a source of genetic diversity to rescue crops that are affected by disease or other disasters
    • Many of the wild relative species are under threat due to habitat destruction and climate change
    • All of the world's potato crop comes from a single species, making it highly susceptible to disease
    • There are over 100 species of wild potatoes that grow in the Andes, and these Andean species act as a source of alleles for disease resistance