Secretly importing good to avoid paying custom duties/taxes
Why was smuggling seen as reasonable by many?
As it avoided the unfair taxation
Why were plenty of people willing to finance smuggling?
As the profit margins were high
Why was smuggling an easy crime?
As there were not enough custom officials to patrol the thousands of miles of British coastlines
What country was particularly good for smuggling?
Why was Wales a god place for smuggling?
As it had extensive coasts
What was Brandy Cove?
A place in Wales used for smuggling by William Arthur and his gang
What are some examples of caves used for smuggling in Wales?
Ogof Whisky
What were the different roles in smuggling?
Who was the investor in smuggling?
A wealthy individual who financed the operation
Who was the spotsman in smuggling?
Bought the ship of goods to the right section of the coast
Who was the lander in smuggling?
They arranged tub-boats to pick up cargo from the ship
Who were the tubsmen in smuggling?
Did all the heavy manual lifting and carrying
Who were the batsmen in smuggling?
Hired thugs who protected the tubsmen
Why was smuggling hard to police?
Custom officers feared the smugglinggangs
British coastlines were hard to patrol
So many people bought smuggled goods as they were cheaper
What is highway robbery?
The act of stealing from travelers on a road.
What advancement caused highway robbery?
Better transport links and roads
Why was highway robbery an opportunist crime?
Improved roads meant more travellers
Banking was poor so people carried cash with them
Roads were unpoliced
What were the two types of highway robber?
Footpads and highwaymen
What were footpads?
Highway robbers who attacked their victims onfoot and targeted pedestrian travellers
What were highwaymen?
Highway robbers who rode horses and were able to attack stage coaches and travelers on horseback, who had a glamorous image
Who is the most remembered highway robber of the 18th century?
Dick Turpin
How was Dick Turpin viewed?
As glamorous and performed daring deeds
When and why was Dick Turpin hanged?
In 1739 for horse stealing
Why did highway robbery decline?
As London was growing, open spaces were covered by building making it more difficult to ambush coaches. Also, London was becoming better policed and banking had improved.