2- Calculating Genetic Diversity

Cards (12)

  • Genetic biodiversity
    Also called the gene pool
  • All individuals of a species have the same genes
  • Monomorphic genes

    Genes that only have one version
  • Polymorphic genes

    Genes that have different versions called alleles
  • Polymorphic genes

    • Coat color genes in dogs
  • Pure breed dogs
    • Have a relatively low level of genetic biodiversity
    • Breeding takes place within a relatively small population
    • Number of different alleles is relatively small
    • No new alleles are allowed to enter the breed
  • Inbreeding in pure breed dogs
    Can lead to genetically linked health problems
  • Mongrel dogs
    • Have a wide range of alleles and a high level of genetic biodiversity
    • Breeding is essentially random
  • Polymorphic Gene loci

    Gene positions on a chromosome that have more than one allele
  • Monomorphic Gene loci

    Gene positions on a chromosome that only have one allele
  • Calculating proportion of polymorphic Gene loci
    Number of polymorphic Gene loci / Total number of loci
  • Example calculation
    • 80 Gene loci analyzed, 4 were polymorphic
    Proportion = 4 / 80 = 0.05 = 5%