Forms in HTML

Cards (25)

  • The tag used to create a form is <form> </form>
  • The color picker tag is <input type="color">
  • A field for entering a number <input type="number"> is used
  • URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator
  • The tag that defines a date picker that includes the year, month, day and time is <input type="datetime-local">
  • <input type="time"> defines a control for entering a time
  • <input type="search" defines a text field for entering a search string
  • <input type="file"> defines a file select field and 'Browse' button for file uploads.
  • Default range of range control is 0 to 100
  • <"input type=tel"> used to define input fields that should contain a telephone number
  • <"input type=password"> used to define password input fields
  • <"input type=number"> used to define a numeric value input field
  • The max attribute of <input> tag specifies the maximum value for an input field
  • The min attribute of <input> tag specifies the minimum value for an input field
  • The placeholder attribute of <input> tag provides hint text inside the input field
  • The autocomplete attribute of <form> tag allows users to automatically fill out forms with previously entered information.
  • The autocomplete attribute of <input> tag can be set to on or off, depending upon whether we want browser's auto-complete feature enabled or not.
  • The autocomplete attribute of <input> tag can be set to on or off, depending upon whether we want browser's auto-complete feature enabled or not.
  • The type attribute of <button> tag is used to specify the button type as submit, reset, or other types like radio buttons, checkboxes etc.
  • The width attribute of <input type> tag specifies the width of an <input type="image">
  • The height attribute of the <input type> tag specifies the height of an <input type="image"> tag
  • The alt attribute of the <img> tag provides alternative text if the image fails to load
  • The src attribute of the <img> tag specifies the URL of the image file
  • Multiple value of type attribute of <input> tag works with Email & File
  • Following are the attributes of <input type="image"> - width and height