RESEARCH SUPPORT - Samuels et al found hoarding linked to specific gene in chromosome 14 using gene mapping, OCD has main underlying genetic component, may be triggered by external factors, primarily genetic,
COUNTER - Nestadt et al showed 68% of MZ twins would share OCD and only 31% of DZ - MZ should be 100% undermines genetics without congruence with another explanation, also deterministicpredisposition to OCD
Neural explanation for OCD
Orbitofrontal cortex hyperactivity in specific brain regions causing OCD - Saxena and Rauch
Scientific methods are objective - high validity of theory
GENETIC - Samuel hoarding linked to chromosome 14, primarily genetic, external triggers, DSM, counter with Nestadt68% MZ and 31% DZ, undermines validity of genetic explanation, congruence with another explanation
NEURAL - Saxena & Rauch reviewed PET studies found association between OCD and OFC, supports hyperactivity causing OCD, counter with reductionist as only looks at 'nature', traumatic injury or another disorder shown on scans, causation, undermines validity