Finals: Lesson 15 - Heart as a Tireless Pump

Cards (32)

  • Located in the mediastrium. Similar to the shape of a pine cone. About 12cm (5 in) in length, 8 cm (3.5 in) wide, and 6cm (2.5 in) in thickness.
    Human Heart
  • The four chambered heart
    1. Right and left atrium
    2. Right and left ventricle
  • Receiving chambers
    Right & Left Atrium
  • Pumping chambers
    Right & Left Ventricle
  • It receives and pumps oxygen poor blood.
    Right side of the heart
  • It receives and pumps oxygen rich blood
    Left Side of the Heart
  • What are the heart muscles?
    1. Epicardium
    2. Myocardium
    3. Endocardium
  • Outermost layer of the heart
  • Thickest layer of the heart
  • Lines chambers, covers the heart valves, secretes endothelins, which are potent vasoconstrictors
  • Extension of the myocardium lined with endocardium.

    Septa or Septum
  • Ensures one way flow of blood
  • What are the chambers of the heart?
    1. Right Atrium
    2. Right Ventricle
    3. Left Atrium
    4. Left Ventricle
  • It receives venous blood
    Right Atrium
  • Receives blood from right atrium
    Right Ventricle
  • Receives oxygen-rich blood

    Left Atrium
  • Ejects blood into the aorta
    Left Ventricle
  • Coronary Arteries
    1. Right coronary arteries
    2. Left coronary arteries
  • Distributes blood to the right atrium and ventricle and the heart conduction system.
    Right Coronary Artery
  • Distributes blood to the left side of the heart, left atrium andleft ventricle
    Left Coronary Artery
  • Generally parallel to the large surface arteries.
    Coronary Veins
  • Receives venous blood from posterior, middle, and small cardiac vein which drains directly to into the right atrium.
    Great Cardiac Vein
  • Ability to initiate an electrical potential at a fixed rate.
  • Types of Cardiac Muscle cells
    1. Myocardial Contractile Cells
    2. Myocardial Conducting cells
  • 99% of the attia and ventricles
    Myocardial Contractile Cells
  • From the conduction system of the heart, specialized muscle cells.
    Myocardial Conducting Cells
  • Establish the normal cardia rhythm, the pacemaker of the heart.
    Sionatrial Node (SA node)
  • Transmits impulse to the atrioventricular bundle.
    Atrioventicular (AV node)
  • bundle branches and Purkinjie fibers
    Atrioventricular Bundle
  • Entirely aerobic. Heart cells stores appreciable amount of oxygen in myogoblin
    Cardiac Muscle Metabolism
  • Period of contraction that the heart undergoes while it pumps blood
  • Period of relaxation that occurs as the chambers fill with blood