AO3 Treating Phobias

Cards (8)

  • Supportive evidence
    • Gilroy examined 42 patients with arachnophobia using 3 45min SD sessions, examined after 3 months, found less fearful than control group (relaxation techniques only)
  • Supportive evidence
    SD criticised for symptom substitution, lower effectiveness, Persons 'cure one and another may appear'
  • SD procedure
    Easier than flooding, work up anxiety hierarchy, relaxed state, own pace
  • SD procedure
    • McGrath 75% responded to SD, strong empirical support
  • SD procedure
    Not effective for anxieties with underlying survival component (Ohman)
  • Flooding
    Wolpe successful with girl scared of cars, cost-effective and quicker than SD, get same result, cheaper for health services who don't have large fund
  • Flooding
    Ethics, traumatic, Wolpe lead to hospitalisation
  • what is the structure for this essay?
    • Gilroy support and counter with Pearson's symptom substitution
    • SD easier procedure, McGrath 75% response, counter with Ohman underlying survival component of anxieties
    • Wolpe success of flooding, cost-effective and quick and counter with ethical issues, lead to hospitalisation