1. On the morning of 21st March 1960, 5,000 protestors gathered outside the police station and demanded the police to arrest them all
2. They believed that the police would have to suspend the pass laws as they could not all be arrested
3. Many were not PAC members and were simply there out of curiosity
4. The crowd were relaxed and friendly and protesting peacefully
5. Police started to arrive and by 1pm there were 200 white police (with rifles) and about 200 black police (with clubs)
6. These policeman came from an outside area and were commanded by an aggressive chief of police (Lieutenant Colonel Pienaar)
7. Many policemen were nervous and inexperienced, and they knew that 9 policemen had been killed at a revolt in Cato Manor a few weeks before
8. The policemen told Tsolo to ask the crowd to disperse – he refused and was consequently arrested
9. This caused the crowd to surge forward
10. Pienaar lined up the police and ordered them to load their guns
11. It is said that a gangster fired, causing the shooting to begin, but it was probably a member of the police force who started the shooting
12. Overall, 69 people were killed and 187 injured
13. The police fired a first round of bullets into the first row of protestors, who were unable to move or get back
14. They then fired again at people running away from the scene
15. The police carried on the violence even after the shooting: they were accused of kicking and killing wounded people, and they also placed stones at the scene to frame the protestors for throwing stones at them before the police opened fire