Programming Paradigms

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  • The procedural programming paradigm
    Procedural programs are formed from sequences of instructions
    • Instructions are executed in the order in which they appear
    • Procedures form parts of the program and can be called from anywhere within the program, by other procedures or recursively
    • Data is stored by constants and variables
    • A data structure has global scope if it can be accessed from all parts of the program
    • A data structure has local scope if it is only accessible from the structure within which it is declared
  • Structured approach: basic structures
    Four basic structures are used:
    • Assignment
    • Sequence
    • Selection
    • Iteration
  • Structured approach to program design and construction
    Structured programs are said to be designed from the top down
    • The most important elements of a problem are broken down into smaller tasks, each of which can be solved in a block of code such as a procedure or module which goes on to form part of the overall solution
  • Advantages of a structured approach
    • Makes maintaining the program easier as navigation of different elements of the overall solution is improved
    • Testing can be carried out on the individual modules before they are combined to form the overall solution
    • Development can be split over a team of developers, each of which is assigned a different module to work on
  • Hierarchy charts
    • Graphically represent the structure of a structured program
    • Each procedure is displayed as a rectangle which is connected to any other procedures used within it
    • Lines between the rectangles show the relationships that exist between the different parts of the programs
  • Object-oriented programming: Objects
    • Containers of both data and instructions
    • Created from classes in a process called instantiation
    • Defined as an instance of a class
  • Object-oriented programming: Classes
    • Blueprints for objects
    • Specify what properties (data) and methods (instructions) objects of their type will have
    • Can be expressed on paper as class definitions
  • Object-oriented programming: Class definitions
    • List a class‘ name, properties and methods in text form
    • Independent of any particular programming language
    • A method or property that is listed as private can only be accessed from within an object
    • Public methods allow an interface for accessing and modifying a class‘ private properties
  • Object-oriented programming: Encapsulation
    • The name given to the process of combining methods and procedures to form an object in object-oriented programming
    • An object is said to encapsulate its contents, forming a single entity which encompasses all of the object‘s properties and methods
    • Allows the development of large programs to be split across a team of developers
  • Object-oriented programming: Inheritance
    • Allows one class to share the properties and methods of another class
    • Classes which use inheritance can have their own properties and methods too
    • Can be described as an “is a“ relationship
    • Shown in class definitions by the name of the inherited class featuring in brackets
  • Object-oriented programming: Polymorphism
    • Comes from the Greek for “many forms”
    • Occurs when objects are processed differently depending on their class
  • Object-oriented programming: Overriding
    • An overridden method has the same name as a method in an inherited class but different implementation
    • The word override is used in class descriptions to indicate that the implementation of a method in one class differs from the implementation of the method with the same name in the inherited class
  • Object-oriented programming: Association
    Two objects that are associated can be described as having a “has a“ relationship, for example, objects of the classes Car and Driver could be associated as a car has a driver.
    • An associated object forms part of its container object as a property
    There are two specific types of association:
    • Aggregation
    • Composition
  • Object-oriented programming: Aggregation
    Aggregation is the weaker of the two kinds of association
    • When an object is associated with another by aggregation, it will still exist if its containing object is destroyed
  • Object-oriented programming: Composition
    Composition is a stronger relationship between classes than aggregation
    • If two objects are associated by composition and the containing object is destroyed, the associated object is also destroyed
  • Why is object-oriented programming used?
    • Object-oriented programming provides programs with a clear structure - this makes developing and testing programs easier for developers
    • Using the paradigm allows for large projects to be divided among a team of developers
    • The use of classes allows code to be reused throughout the same program and even in other programs - this improves the space efficiency of code
  • Object-oriented design principles
    There are three main design principles in object-oriented programming:
    • Encapsulate what varies
    • Favour composition over inheritance
    • Program to an interface, not implementation
  • Object-oriented design principles: Encapsulate what varies
    Any requirements which are likely to change in the future should be encapsulated in a class
    • This way, any future changes can be easily made when required
  • Object-oriented design principles: Favour composition over inheritance
    • Wherever possible, composition should be used over inheritance
    • Composition is seen as a more flexible relationship between objects
    • Composition isn’t always appropriate and inheritance should still be used in any such situations
  • Object-oriented design principles: Program to interfaces, not implementation
    Allows unrelated classes to make use of similar methods
    • An interface is defined as a collection of abstract procedures that can be implemented by unrelated classes
    • When a new object is created, it can implement an interface which provides it with the correct properties and methods
  • Class diagrams
    • Visually represent the relationships that exist between classes
    • Classes are represented by boxes
    • Different connectors represent different kinds of relationship between classes
  • Class diagrams: Inheritance diagrams
    • Show the different inheritance relationships that exist between classes
    • Inheritance is shown with unfilled arrows which point from an inherited class towards the class which inherits it
    • Inheritance arrows should always point upwards
  • Class diagrams: Association
    Shown in class diagrams with diamond headed arrows
  • Class diagrams with properties and methods
    Class diagrams can contain more information about classes than just their name
    A class can be represented by three boxes:
    • The uppermost box contains the class name
    • The middle box contains the class’ properties
    • The bottom box contains the class’ methods
    A plus sign indicates a property/method is public
    A minus sign indicates a property/method is private
    A pound sign (#) indicates a property/method is protected
    • Protected properties and methods are accessible from within the object that declares them and also from any inherited objects