Resonance - occurs when the drivingfrequency is equal to the naturalfrequency, the amplitude of oscillations drastically increase due to gainingmoreenergy from the drivingforce
Damping - when a forceacts on an oscillatingsystem and energy is lost to the environment,reducing the amplitude of oscillation
Conservation of energy
At the amplitude of its oscillation the system will have the maximumpotentialenergy
As it moves towards the equilibriumpoint, potentialenergy is converted to kineticenergy
Noenergy is lost because there are noexternalforces
Totalenergy of the systemremainsconstant
Free oscillations - occur when no external forceacts on the system
Forces oscillations - when a systemexperiences an externaldrivingforce which causes it to oscillate
Light damping - the amplitude slowlydecreases by a smallamounteachoscillation
Critical damping - the amplitude is reduced to zerowithoutoscillating in the shortestpossibletime
Heavy damping - the amplitude reducesslower than criticaldamping but withoutoscillating
As damping increases
Peak of maximumamplitude becomes wider
Ductile material - can undergo a largeamount of plasticdeformationbeforebreaking. The plastic deformation of a ductile material can be used to reduce the amplitude of oscillations.