Cards (6)

  • cloning is done to stop rare plants and animals from going extinct
  • taking cuttings
    • new plants can be produced quickly & cheaply
    • cuttings need to be kept in a damp atmosphere till roots grow
  • tissue culture
    • few cells are taken & placed on a nutrient agar with auxin to promote root and shoot development
    • they can then be developed normally
    • all the plants produced are genetically identical to the plant
  • nuclear fusion cloning
    • few cells from animal being cloned are taken and the nucleus is removed
    • an egg cell is taken from the donor female and nucleus is removed
    • nucleus of animals to be cloned is transferred into the egg cell
    • egg cell is electrically and chemically stimulated to divide
    • soon becomes an embryo
  • the cloned embryo could be implanted into a host mother to develop into a baby or could be used for medical treatment
  • Embryonic transfer/screening