Preparation of Salts

Cards (8)

  • A salt is a compound formed when all the hydrogen atoms of an acid are replaced by a metal.

  • Naming salts involves 2 parts; the name of the metal and the acid ending eg. calcium + hydrochloric acid = calcium chloride
  • Match the type of salt to acid used:

    Sulphate = Sulphuric acid
    Nitrate = Nitric acid
    Chloride = Hydrochloric acid
    Ethanoate = Ethanoic acid
  • Salts can either be soluble or insoluble
  • Soluble salts:
    • All sodium, potassium and ammonium salts
    • All nitrates
    • Chlorides
    • Sulphates
    • Potassium, sodium and ammonium carbonates
  • What salts are soluble?
    All sodium, potassium and ammonium salts
    All nitrates
    Potassium, sodium and ammonium carbonate
  • What salts are insoluble?
    Chlorides except silver and lead
    Sulphates except barium
    Lead and calcium
    All other carbonates
  • Method B: Titration
    • Phenolphthalein is added to an alkali (soluble base)
    • Add acid to solution using burette; note volume of acid required for solution to change color
    • Repeat without indictor using noted acid volume
    • Heat in evaporating dish to form soluble salt crystals