12 or more persons, use/threatenunlawfulviolence for a commonpurpose would cause a person to fear for personalsafety
Riot - Maximumsentence
3 or morepersonsuse/threatenunlawfulviolence and conduct would cause a person to fear for personalsafety
ViolentDisorder - Maximumsentence
A person uses/threatensunlawfulviolence and conduct would cause a person to fear for personalsafety
Affray - Maximumsentence
s4Fear or ProvocationofViolence
Uses towards a person threatening,abusive,orinsultingwords or behavior or 2. Distributes/displays to a person writing,sign or visiblerepresentation which is threatening,abusive or insulting with intent to cause the person to believeimmediateunlawfulviolence will be usedagainsthim, or to provokeimmediateuseofunlawfulviolence
Fear or Provocation of Violence - Maximumsentence
s4aHarassment,Alarm or Distress
threatening,abusive or insultingwords or behaviour, or b) displays any writing, sign or visiblerepresentation which is threatening,abusive or insulting, causing harassment, alarm or distress
Harassment,Alarm or Distress - Maximumsentence
s5Harassment, Alarm or Distress (nointent required)
Same as above BUT-no need to show INTENTION-Just likely to be causedharassment, alarm or distress
Section 14 of the PublicOrder Act allows police to imposeconditions on a protest if they believe it mayresult in seriousdisruption or violence.