Lifelong vs. Acquired: Present from the beginning vs. developed later
Generalized vs. Situational: Present in all situations vs. tied to specific situations
DSM-5 Changes: Combined sexual desire disorders and sexual arousal disorders, Renamed "Premature Ejaculation" and "Delayed Ejaculation", "Genito-pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder" replaces "Dyspareunia" and "Vaginismus"
Prevalence of Sexual Problems: High prevalence of at least one sexual problem across the population
Gender Variations
Gender Identity: One's sense of being male, female, or non-binary
Biological Sex: Assigned sex based on external genitals
Gender Expression: How one expresses their gender (clothing, behavior, etc.)
Cisgender: Identity aligns with assigned gender
Non-Binary: Do not identify as exclusively male or female
Gender Fluidity: Gender identity fluctuates
Agender: No gender identity
Transgender: Gender identity differs from assigned gender
DSM-5TR Criteria for Gender Dysphoria
Contradiction between gender identity and sex characteristics
Desire to eliminate sex characteristics
Yearning for characteristics of another gender
Wish to be a member of another gender
Wish to be treated as another gender
Belief that one's feelings/reactions are characteristic of another gender
Controversy: Potential for removal of Gender Dysphoria from DSM in future revisions
Transgender Functioning
Prevalence: 25 million worldwide, 0.15-0.58% in the Netherlands
Gender Differences: Transgender women more common than transgender men
Development: May emerge in childhood but can change over time
Not All Transgender Experience Dysphoria: Many experience gender congruence