Selective Breeding

Cards (7)

  • Used to breed for plants and animals with desired characteristics
  • Animals can be bred for:
    • Animals which produce more meat or milk
    • Crops with diseases resistance
    • Dogs with a good, gentle temperament
    • Decorative plants with big or unusual flowers
  • Process of selective breeding
    • Select animals with desired characteristics
    • Breed them with eachother
    • Select the best offspring, and breed them together
    • Continue this process till the desired trait gets stronger
  • The main drawback is the reduction in the gene pool
  • It reduces the number of different alleles in a population, this is because the animals that are bred are all closely related. This is known as inbreeding
  • Inbreeding can cause health problems as there’s a higher chance of organisms inheriting genetic defects
  • This also there is a lower chance of any resistant alleles being present in the population