Animal Cloning

Cards (3)

  • Embryo Transplants
    • Cells are taken from a prize bull and egg cells are taken from a prize cos
    • The sperm artificially fertilises the egg cell. The embryo that develops is split many times to form clones
    • These cloned embryos will be implanted into other surrogate cows to grow genetically identical offspring, which are ideal
  • Adult cell cloning
    • Taking an unfertilised egg cell and removing its nucleus
    • The nucleus is then removed from an adult body cell and inserted into the empty egg cell
    • This is implanted into the womb of an adult female. It grows into a genetically identical copy of the original body cell and has the same genetic information
  • Issues surrounding cloning
    • There is a reduced gene pool
    • Can be used to preserve and endangered species
    • Animals might not be as healthy
    • Humans may be cloned in the future