Legal Philosophy

Cards (5)

  • Natural law
    -fundamental rules of fairness and justice that are always morally correct
    -we are born with these laws
    -general moral compass of what is right and just
  • Legal positivism
    contrast to natural law
    -law does not need to be a moral law
    -established to maintain social order and secure the best possible life conditions
    -values are not universal or natural, why different countries have different laws about the same behaviours
  • Legal positivism
    -systemically written down
    -decided by formal institutions, government officials and reinforced by the government
  • Critical legal theory
    -form of a strong critique of law in society
    -laws reflect individual values and can contain biases of social groups
    -law can maintain social inequality by advancing the interests of more powerful groups over marginalized groups
    -focused on bias and discrimination in the law respect of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, economic class, sexuality
  • Legal realism
    contrast to legal positivism
    -holds that values are variable, not universal
    -what's true, moral and fair depends on the perspective of the individual
    -ex: judges interpretations of any law is influenced by their own experiences and by the prevailing values of their communities