
Cards (7)

  • Biosphere
    regions of surface or atmosphere of earth where organisms live
  • Niche
    role an organism plays
  • Population
    group of individuals of one species which occupy the same habitat at the same time and have the ability to interbreed
  • Community
    populations of different species form this within a particular place and time
  • Carrying Capacity
    the size of the population an ecosystem can support
  • Mark-Release-Recapture
    Capture sample
    mark in a non-harmful and non identifiable way and release
    after enough time for marked to disperse into habitat, recapture 2nd sample
    see how mant of 2nd sample are marked and repeat
  • Sampling non-motile organisms
    set out a grid
    use random number generator to create coordinates to avoid bias
    place a quadrat at the coordinate
    count the number of individuals of species / number of species
    repeat many times eg 10