Geocentric theory which was where the Earth is the center of everything and all heavenly things orbit around it
Geocentric: the earth is the center of the universe
Claudius Ptolemy Sig
This set out the baseline that had people thinking, but also is what the Catholic Church believed in and wanted to stay true to.
The theory was believed for 100 years and the theory that the church promoted and accepted
Nicolaus Copernicus
Early 1500s
Nicolaus Copernicus Book
On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres(1543)
Nicolaus Copernicus Sig
This allowed Kepler to build off of and allowed him to become famous for properly proving this theory.
Not much significance at the time because he couldn’t prove this at the time. It was just a theory. People also couldn’t feel the earth moving, but they could see the moon in different spots. They can see the sun in different spots. See things around them were moving, but the Earth wasn’t. No one believed him.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus developed the heliocentric theory: Sun is the center of the universe and the planets orbited
Johannes Kepler
Late 1500s to early 1600s
Johannes Kepler
Kepler proved the heliocentric theory and figured out ellipses were happening, and not exact circles
Discorved that orbits are not circles, but rather ovals. Called them ellipses.
Johannes Kepler sig
Kepler allowed Galileo to build off of his theory but also brought up and introduced mathematicians to such a new concept that was originally developed by Copernicus.
He was able to prove mathematically the heliocentric theory. He built upon what Copernicus could do. Wasn’t much of significance considering only the serious math people could understand.
Galileo book
Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World(1632)
Galileo invented the telescope and proved that the Earth orbited on its axis and disproved Ptolemy’s geocentric theory.
He invents the telescope he is finally able to have proof of the heliocentric theory. People could see that Kepler and Copernicus were correct. Proved mathematically that all objects fall at the same speed regardless of their weight.
Galileo sig
Galileo was the first to anger the Catholic Church which ended up resulting in a lot of controversy and led to the Scientific Revolution
Finally proved heliocentric and geocentric, however, goes against the church. In 1633 is summoned to Rome and was found guilty of heresy and put on house arrest for the rest of their life. Everyone wanted a telescope, but now they considered it the devil's toy.
Laid the foundation for the modern science of mechanics and the study of matter in motion.
Adreas Vesalius
Belgium (Flanders)
Adreas Vesalius book
On the Fabric of the Human Body(1543)
Vesalius investigated the human body and how muscles were
Galen just stated that the body was just muscle and tissue. He writes a book.
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He discovered other things and disproved a theory that was still believed. Allowing us to learn more and be able to correct our previous logic.
He pioneered the study of anatomy. Fun facts: He does a ton of sketches of the inside of the human body. Very accurately. To be able to do this he must have cadavers, so he must dig up graves. Had to flee Europe. He dies in a shipwreck on a boat while trying to escape.
William Harvey
Harvey described how the blood circulation was.
He did laboratory experiments and described the circulation of the blood through veins and arteries. Claims the heart is the most important muscle. Discusses the function of blood organs.
William Harvey sig
Harvey was able to discover how blood circulation worked and how it flowed through. He educated more people due to his findings and it allows people now to know how it works. This was another thing that the people would have gone believing wrong if it wasn’t for Bacon.
He gave a better depiction of how it worked and how anatomy could be.
Rene Decartes
Rene Decartes book
Discourse of Method(1637)
Descartes claimed that everything had to be proved, except basic ideas that were beyond true.
Theory simply knows that everything has to be proven.
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His thinking and his stating this would later lead to becoming part of the scientific method/reasoning.
I think therefore I am
Francis Bacon
Bacon developed the idea of hypotheses based on experiments that were repeated over and over and came up with them.
Only through observations and repeatable experiments could theories be built upon.
Francis Bacon sig
Bacon’s thoughts and thinking would later become part of the scientific method which is used continuously.
He goes against Decartes' not deductive logic.
Newton book
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy(1687)
Newton discovered the idea of gravity and came up with the three laws of motion.
Newton is going to use Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo and build upon it. Going to use them and going to explain why things move in his laws of motion and universal gravitation.
Newton sig
Newton’s laws expanded upon Galileo’s and Kepler’s and gave an explanation of why the planets moved as they did. He also explained the movements of objects on earth as well as other planets which helped expand the minds of the people. His explanation would continue to add onto how Galileo and Kepler were right. Helping support them in the Scientific Revolution.
He is able to explain that all bodies attract each other with force. That can be measured and this force holds the whole system of sun and planets together. By keeping them in orbit.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Developed calculus, a branch of mathematics that studies continuously changing quantities.
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He is able to discover a whole new world of math and was able to introduce the people to a whole new world that is now taught in the modern day.
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Late 1500s
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Discovered bacteria with the telescope.
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek sig
This helped show how much more that the people were unaware of and how much we are able to bypass and be unaware of.
This allowed the people to see how much we have missed and been wrong about. Allowing proof that what we know can be proven wrong at times.
Robert Hooke
Hooke discovered cells after slicing a thin piece of cork and was one of the first to work with a microscope.
The first person to identify cells in a living matter.