Chap 2

Cards (16)

  • Teacher as a professional
    Demonstrates technical, ethical and moral competence as a result of long years of initial professional education and passing licensure exams, goes through continuing professional development, and abides by the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
  • Professional competence of the teacher

    • Demonstrated in professionalism, professional knowledge, creating a favorable learning environment, excellent instructional planning, instructional delivery and assessment practices, and mastery of subject matter
  • Demands of society from the teacher as a professional
    • Mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness
    • Applying developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy
    • Displaying proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English
    • Exhibiting needed skills in communication strategies, teaching strategies and technologies
    • Providing safe, secure, fair and supportive learning environments
    • Efficiently managing learner behavior
    • Utilizing a range of resources and providing intellectually challenging and stimulating activities
    • Establishing learning environments responsive to learner diversity
    • Interacting with national and local curriculum requirements
    • Applying a variety of assessment tools and strategies
    • Establishing school-community partnerships
    • Upholding professional ethics, accountability and transparency
    • Valuing personal growth and professional development
  • Models of effective teaching
    • Marzano's Causal Teacher Evaluation Model
    • Danielson Framework for Teaching
    • Stronge's Teacher Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System
    • McREL model
  • The teacher is the single most important factor in the learner's learning
  • The effective teacher makes the good and the not so good learner learn
  • The ineffective teacher adversely affects the learning of both good and the not so good student
  • Learning gains realized by students during a year in the classroom of an effective teacher were sustained over later years and were compounded by additional years with effective teachers
  • Depressed achievement results resisted improvement even after a student was placed with an effective teacher, and the negative impact was discernible statistically for approximately three subsequent years
  • The negative effects of a poor performing teacher on student achievement persist through three years of high-performing teachers
  • If students have a high-performing teacher one year, they will enjoy the advantage of that good teaching in future years
  • If students have a low-performing teacher, they simply will not outgrow the negative effects of lost learning opportunities for years to come
  • Having a better teacher not only has a substantial impact on students' test scores at the end of the school year but also increases their chances of attending college and their earnings as adults
  • The teacher is the key to student achievement
  • Professionalism

    Both a professional and a personal trait
  • The Code of Ethics for Public School Teachers adopted in Section 7 of RA 4670 explains professional conduct